Three books that have me impatient to get back to Playcentre

Cover of "Switch: How to Change Things Wh...

Cover via Amazon

We’re nearing the end of our summer school holidays in New Zealand.  My Girl is thrilled to go back (“I’m taller! And I have a wiggly tooth!!”).  The Boy, not so much. (“I can’t play Lego at school.”)

I’m absolutely impatient to go back to work. I have Big Ideas I want NEED! to try.

It’s all because of two brothers. Dan and Chip Heath, authors of three books:

Made to Stick

Switch: How to Change Things when Change is Hard


The Myth of the Garage (You can download this one for free at this link)

I originally got onto these books through Jessica at Team Rasler, who blogged about what happened when she applied the ideas from “Switch” to some issues she had with her husband. I was so intrigued I ran out and got the book. Then had to get the others (AND the free resources at the HeathBrothers website.

These three books have given me ideas on how to increase our training levels at Playcentre and start a mentoring program. I’m so excited! Hopefully as I go (this will be a major work in progress) I’ll be able to blog what happens.

As Flint Lockwood says in Cloudy with a chance of meatballs: We’ve got a diem to carpe!


**And nope, I was not compensated in any way for this post.

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About Broot

Thoughts about learning and life that are lost in a sea of blogs.

12 responses to “Three books that have me impatient to get back to Playcentre”

  1. Jessica@Team Rasler says :

    Exciting! I can’t wait to hear how it goes for you. Those books really did have so many amazing examples and ideas. Thanks for the links to the free resources. I’m going to read The Myth of the Garage this week!

  2. Callie says :

    Hey thanks for that link you gave me the other week (…Fortnight…?) on working families! It was an interesting read, and so true.

    I can’t wait for Playcentre to start again either, just a bummer the Lily Bug starts morning sessions at kindy shortly, which means no Mondays at Playcentre for her anymore as kindy won’t allow her to do four days a week rather than five (we’ll wag kindy in favour of Playcentre sometimes I’m sure ;))

    I’ll check out that free book you posted a link to, and hope to eventually get around to reading it!

    Have a great week 🙂

  3. Blond Duck says :

    What is Play centre, exactly?

    • Broot says :

      Playcentre is a place parents and preschool children go to learn and play together. The parents learn skills and techniques that help them become a better parent (and often a better team mate and worker), and the children learn all their preschool skills and concepts. We are a parent cooperative.We’re unique to New Zealand. And through our emergent leadership program, people do amazing things. Lots of famous NZ people are Playcentre parents.

  4. solodialogue says :

    It’s still kind of weird for me to hear your summer vacation is nearly over. How is your garden doing? I’m glad you have been so inspired by these books! I’m looking forward to following your posts about implementing your goals! 🙂

  5. Trish says :

    Thanks for the recommendations – I just put The Myth of the Garage on my Kindle 🙂 I’m going to check the other two out too!

  6. Blond Duck says :

    It sounds awesome. I wish we had one here!

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