Looking for a few “Potted Plants”

Dear Universe,

I would like a few “potted plants.”  The kind that eat chocolate and play cards with me once a month, or go to girly movies with me.  Who will giggle and laugh and have fun.

My mother has “potted plants.” They get together once a month to play bridge, drink wine, and have a few laughs. They go on holidays together. They go to Mexico and drink huge-ass Margueritas and then walk through a mall and pose for pictures pretending to be potted plants. Yeah.

I left all my girly friends in Canada when I moved.  I need some girly friends here.

So, please, universe, I’d like some “potted plants” please!



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About Broot

Thoughts about learning and life that are lost in a sea of blogs.

8 responses to “Looking for a few “Potted Plants””

  1. Christine says :

    I know exactly what you mean. When I moved from Delaware to Atlanta after college I was without my people. Then in 1999 my soon-to-be husband and I moved to Savannah. I lost my Atlanta people. It was when I was creating a guest list for my baby shower last October that I realized how few girls I have these days. I know women, but it’s not the same. My best friend is still back in Delaware. We both are new moms, and I keep asking her to move to Savannah. It won’t happen.

    Please check out my blog. You might like the “Potted Puss” from a few entries ago.

  2. Jenn@ You know... that Blog? says :


    I’d totally be your potted plant (I’ve certainly been called worse. Recently.) but you see, you left ME behind in Canada too 😉

    Where the heck did “Potted Plant” come from, anyway? Is that a Mom-ism unique to your family, or have I simply not been schooled in that vernacular on my worldly travels??

    • Broot says :

      It’s unique to my family, based on the above-mentioned trip to Mexico. No kidding, we have pictures of my mother and her friends pretending to be potted plants. Amazing what a few margueritas will do. 😉

      • Jenn@ You know... that Blog? says :

        Now *I* want some potted plants… My friends would never pose like that 😉 ME? Quite possibly… after a few of those margaritas!

        I guess I didn’t really twig on the fact that they were posing… maybe thought they were called that before hand. 😉 Too funny, regardless of how it came about!!

  3. Brodie says :

    Thanks for stopping by my blog for my SITS day.

  4. Simone says :

    Hey Broot… loved your comment on my “NZ” post – yes of COURSE link up to my post if you like!!!

    I DID mention the pavs, honest. I even put a photo???

    Now I can’t help with the potted plants but if you are in AUCKLAND???? I could totally join you for some girly outings??

    • Broot says :

      It was totally late last night when I was reading. Very likely I missed it! Was just so excited to see such a great post about NZ!! 🙂 I’m down in the BOP so a bit far away for regular girly outings in Auckland but next time I’m up, I’ll definitely let you know!! 🙂

  5. Allyson says :

    Hey there, thanks so much for stopping by and commenting on my blog. I always appreciate that so much.

    Loved your post on how the blog universe sucks for you. I have certainly felt that way too. I know we want to blog “for ourselves” and our posterity. But what is it about our need to be validated byothers as well? I don’t know.

    Anyway, glad you found SITS and things are looking up.

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